Sunday, December 30, 2007

Developmental Checklist: Boys Will Be Boys

We have been working with children with developmental problems for a few years. We use the terms developmental difficulties to encompass everything from Developmental Disability to Developmental Delay, and a host of other diagnoses. In our consulting program we consider them all to be the same. They differ only by level of intensity. We have developed protocols which work with the majority of the developmental delays. Our process cultivates the inherent resourcefulness for improvement. Our Free Developmental Checklist provides you the ability to explore your child's developmental progress.


Rodger Bailey, MS, has degrees in Social Science and Counseling. He provides Developmental Discovery System™ consulting for families, (English & Spanish), which cultivates the inherent resourcefulness for improvement. He now provides a Free Membership Site for parents concerned about the developmental process. It costs you nothing to understand and learn more about your child's developmental process. Uncover what you are missing. Also, checkout his Developmental Discovery Blog and his free Free Developmental Checklist.

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